You may have noticed that players with Mentor crowns in Final Fantasy XIV are… well, not necessarily the people you would want teaching new players how to behave. This is doubly true with the expansion out now, since there’s always the grace period with older requirements for that crown. But that’s going to change with the launch of patch 5.1, with players having to fulfill new requirements in order to retain certification as mentors.
Not only will players need to have cleared a thousand dungeons, trials, or raids and cleared the level 80 role quests for tanking, healing, and some form of DPS, there will now be a requirement of 1500 commendations (up from 300). Players will need to renew their mentor status after the patch launch, with those who fail to do so losing access to mentor roulette and the ability to change their status to mentor. So if you’re shy of the commendation threshold and want to keep having the little crown by your name… well, be more likable, really.Source: Official Site