We wholly expect Lost Ark to make its way to our shores soon enough, but that certainly hasn’t stopped many from getting ahead of the official arrival thanks to the game’s open beta launch in Russia and some community help to get connected to the Russian OBT and even patch the game to English.
Yes, Lost Ark has started its open beta testing in Russia following Korean beta testing and expansion into China and Japan, and already many in the Lost Ark community are helping people sign up for the Russian test. There’s even one player who is helping folks with an unofficial English patch. With this all said, however, using a VPN to get to the open beta and using the English patch are reportedly bannable offenses, so follow these community instructions at your own risk.
If you’d rather not get yourself in trouble, don’t feel like jumping through VPN and install hoops, or just want to get some early information about Lost Ark, a YouTuber by the name of Swiper No Swiping has posted an informational video with details on the most recent beta build’s rewards, the game’s cash shop, and more. You can find that embedded below.