Star Citizen is having a busy August, what with the release of alpha 3.10 and breaking last year’s sales records and all. This week, Cloud Imperium released the Esperia Talon, the previously leaked light fighter, asking as much as $100 for the ship that won’t be flyable until December.
If that doesn’t put you off for some reason, you’ll want to swing by this week’s Inside Star Citizen, which focuses heavily on the new buyable ship, though there’s some Squadron 42 mo-cap toward the latter half.
For those more interested in the game’s environments, then skip that video and click the next one, as the VFX team sat for an episode of Star Citizen Live to talk shop.
The Star Citizen roadmap has also been updated again, but as our reader Andrew pointed out, CIG still hasn’t made good on its promise to explain the roadmap as it pertains to both games but especially Squadron 42, fans of which were up in arms over the lack of communication and progress nearly three weeks ago. Holding the studio accountable for those promises might be hard, however, since players have willingly handed over $3.3M to it just since the start of August.