Star Trek Online’s House Reborn has been a huge hit for the game, as the 11-year-old MMORPG is seeing a boost in concurrency as players flock back to the game to celebrate its anniversary. If you’re among them, you’re definitely going to want to enter today’s giveaway to get your captains properly outfitted!
PWE has kindly granted MassivelyOP 15 codes for the Alliance Reborn Strike Wing Bundle and 100 codes for the Alliance Reborn MatHa Bundle, specifically for our PC readers.
The Alliance Reborn Strike Wing Bundle includes the Cross Faction Strike Wing Escort Bundle (with the Earhart Strike Wing Escort [T6], Sech Strike Wing Escort [T6], Fleet Earhart Strike Wing Escort [T6], Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort [T6]), two Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens, and the Elite Services Starter Pack (with 36 Inventory Slots, 36 Bank Slots, 2 Bridge Officer Slots, and 3 Captain Retrain Tokens).
The Alliance Reborn MatHa Bundle includes the T6 MatHa Raptor and the Elite Services Starter Pack (with 36 Inventory Slots, 36 Bank Slots, 2 Bridge Officer Slots, and 3 Captain Retrain Tokens).
The giveaway is open to everyone anywhere STO PC can be lawfully played. Read on to enter to win!
For this giveaway, we’ll be using Rafflecopter to count the entries for us! You can earn entries in the giveaway by completing different steps in Rafflecopter; the question field is mandatory, but following us on Twitter, tweeting about this giveaway, and leaving a comment are optional and result in more entries. Rafflecopter uses javascript, so you’ll need to enable it to see the entry widgets below:
Fifteen winners selected at random from the total of entries submitted to Rafflecopter will be contacted via email by Massively Overpowered to receive a code for a Star Trek Online Alliance Reborn Strike Wing Bundle for PC, while 100 additional winners will receive a code for a Star Trek Online Alliance Reborn MatHa Bundle for PC. Entrants are subject to our official contest and giveaway rules and cheaters will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted until the giveaway’s end on Wednesday, February 9th, 2021, at 12:00 a.m. EST (midnight Tuesday night). We’ll draw the winners and send out keys and redemption instructions by the following Friday evening (EST), so make sure you’ve submitted a working email address in Rafflecopter.
Good luck everyone!