The merry, merry month of May has a number of events and updates coming up for Star Citizen according to an outline posted on the game’s website. Naturally, patch 3.13 is out now as well as the referral program, while the rest of May will feature an AMA on the game’s forums, the much-ballyhooed Invictus Launch Week event, patch 3.13.1, and an update from game director Tony Zurovec on the Quantum background simulation’s development.
More recently this month, the devs answered a variety of player questions about updates to radar and scanning that were shared in this week’s Inside Star Citizen. There were a few bean drops in the broadcast such as confirmation that player characters will have some smaller scale scanning functions later; word that smaller ship scanners won’t be as robust as larger ones; confirmation that scanning can focus on things like mining or harvestables; confirmation that patch 3.14 will let multicrew players scan areas at a station and share findings with the crew; and the floated possibility of players being able to customize what information scanner HUDs display in the future.
Finally, Star Citizen fan by the name of Space Tomato has put together a retrospective video that recounts the game’s development to this point and offers some measured opinions on where the game is going and how the project is being managed. It’s an insightful as well as balanced look at the game, and we’ve got it embedded below.