Let’s be realistic: Anyone who can currently run Final Fantasy XIV is probably going to have no problem running Endwalker when it releases in November. The upcoming benchmark for the expansion is mostly something players look forward to for the hint of new job abilities, the character creator with new hairstyles and male Viera, and the simple joy of having a new toy to play around with. But you can get at least the first of those things by watching the benchmark trailer in its entirety right now.
Yes, the trailer shows vague hints of what may happen in the story (although not precisely what to expect) along with some new job abilities and several of the new zones in action. It’s all quite dramatic, and should help keep you hyped for the expansion ahead of its release. As mentioned, the benchmark will be released for download by players tomorrow, July 11th; players can also look ahead to an expansion media tour in September according to the latest live letter, which mostly recapped existing information from the various reveal events.
Source: YouTube