So the content for Final Fantasy XIV is going to be light on the ground for the next four months and change. What can you do to entertain yourself? Well, you can take part in the Make it Rain campaign that starts up July 19th, which increases the rate at which you earn MGP while also allowing you a new emote to unlock along the way. That’s something fun, right? That’ll take up some of your time.
You could also spend some time playing with the benchmark for the expansion, which allows you to make a male Viera as well as check your system performance and take a gander at some of the new abilities jobs will be sporting in Endwalker. There’s also the revamped promotional site to peruse, which includes lore about the various revealed zones as well as the new jobs Sage and Reaper. Much of this was recapped during the most recent live letter from producer director Naoki Yoshida, who also mentioned that the game will see a new housing lottery system moving forward as well as wards reserved for Free Company houses and others reserved for personal houses to help reduce competition. So, you know. There are some things to do.