If you were looking to find out more about the three elite specs that were revealed by Guild Wars 2, then you might want to set aside about an hour of your time to check out a beta preview livestream that talks all about the classes.
The stream effectively provided a deep dive into the toolkits for the Harbinger, Virtuoso, and Willbender elite specs, granting looks at the base class mechanics for each, a skill-by-skill look at each class, and explanations of the various traits. The devs even provided power numbers “for the theorycrafters out there.” For those who are looking forward to extremely high level explanations of the new specs as well as watch a guy drink copious amounts of water, the embed after the cut has lots to look forward to.
In other GW2 news, the devs have a preview of August 17th’s balance update, providing salient details for combo fields, finisher skills, boons and condition changes, and individual adjustments for the various specs currently in the game. There are also bug fixes for classes noted as well, meaning there’s a lot to read up on.