The development track for PvPvE shooter The Cycle has been a nebulous thing for a while now. Originally set to launch on Steam last year but missing the mark and promising a Q3 release for this year that’s possibly uncertain, the game has been otherwise running public alpha tests over the course of the last few months. Now, it appears ready for its next major testing phase with the start of closed alpha on September 30th.
There are some dates to bear in mind, such as the closure of the in-game shop on October 6th and the disabling of the public version of the game on October 13th until the full version of the game is set to go live. Otherwise, access to the closed beta can be done by requesting access on Steam. As for what the beta will offer, players can expect access to the new Crescent Falls map, a new enemy type, more diverse loot, improved crafting and weapon modding, and updates to the private quarters among other things.
For those who have been playing The Cycle from the very start, there will be a number of veteran rewards offered including a knife, a unique banner, a spray, and a trophy, which are handed out depending on a number of factors including total time spent in-game, character level, number of seasons played, and the number of Fortuna Pass levels unlocked.
Closed beta will run all the way through October, wrapping up on November 1st.