2021 has been a ride for Star Citizen, and though there’s still a few weeks left to the month of December, the game’s newest Inside Star Citizen episode has decided to look back on the past year’s updates and events, from the Daymar Rally and community competitions to alpha releases and the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo’s vehicle reveals. The video goes line by line, marking some of the larger features of each month of 2021.
That, of course, brings us to the month of December and the upcoming release of alpha 3.16. The video notes that all of the update’s features will be released over the course of additional point patches like the game has been doing over the past few months. Even so, the video outlines features like a new Area 18 hospital, the rework of gravlev vehicles, the Jumptown 2.0 event, and the arrival of the Cutlass Steel troop transport ship, which is absolutely bristling with weapons on practically every side of its hull.