There’s no new story content in this month’s update for Final Fantasy XI, but since at one point the game was supposed to never get any more story content, that’s probably fine. And there’s certainly no lack of things to do within the update; after all, a new set of Ambuscade objectives have rotated in for players to take on, along with an increase to the maximum difficulty of monsters in the game’s Odyssey battles. Vengeance levels can now be cranked up to +20, providing an even greater challenge for players.
Naturally this comes with commensurate greater rewards for taking on these threats, so it’s not as if the developers expect you to just take on bigger monsters for the heck of it. You can also get a rundown of the changes made with the latest patch in video format just below, with more planned for players to experience in February. However you like to get your rundown, though, you’ll have things to do in Vana’diel.