So, how’re you doing over there, WoW Classic? You doing all right? Everything going all right with your servers? We joke, of course, because we know that World of Warcraft’s trip back to Northrend for the first time again has been dealing with server queues pretty regularly. More server transfer options have been opened up in response, along with a new hotfix changing the maximum amount of gold that can be transferred to a new server based on the level of the character being transferred. So that should fix those queue issues right there.
There are other elements addressed in the hotfix, of course, including a variety of quest bugs and skill bugs like not correctly noting skill levels for certain abilities or having NPCs attack enemies that aren’t supposed to be a part of a quest event. It seems likely that the changes to the gold allowed in the transfer will not fix the fundamental problem of queues with too many people being on the same populated servers, but it’s worth a shot, at least.