Are you waiting for Final Fantasy XIV‘s upcoming patch 6.3 but feel like you have nothing to do in the interim? Are you dejectedly scuffing your feet in the gravel by the side of a road, waiting for the voice of a 1960s announcer to echo down from the sky to ask you what’s wrong, Billy? (For the purposes of this scenario, your name is Billy.) Would you then respond that gosh, mister, you really want to play FFXIV, but you just don’t have any darn things to do right now?
Well, that announcer would tell you to chin up, because the Moogle Treasure Trove is coming back to give you more motivation to farm content starting on December 12th until the patch launches! Now you can go have fun, Billy!
Even if your name is not Billy and you will be having no strange conversations with voices speaking down from nowhere, the event does indeed start as noted and will offer irregular tomestones in various quantities from taking on duties from MSQ dungeons to older alliance raids. Or PvP, naturally; that’s always in there, too. Spend the irregular tomestones to get all manner of cosmetic rewards from the moogle vendors, and repeat until satisfied. It’s a little extra motivation to take part in these activities while waiting for the patch.