The Arena Commander portion of Star Citizen often seems like the red-headed stepchild of the game, particularly as CIG’s focus has primarily been on the glacial development pace of the persistent universe and Squadron 42. That will apparently be changing in the near future, as the latest Inside Star Citizen video digest goes over a wide swath of plans to give the long-neglected portion of the game some more TLC.
The video heralds the formation of the Arena Commander feature team, a group of devs who will be directing their focus on the mode to ensure it gets revitalized. To that point, the mode is going to see a number of updates to keep it up-to-date with the PU, such as flight models, ship updates, and the Building Blocks UI. To that final point, the front end updates will condense multiple modes within Arena Commander into a cleaner format, clean up the cumbersome loadouts UI, and make teaming up with other players easier.
Other updates for Arena Commander that are discussed include several visual adjustments to the Dying Star map to make it easier on the eyes in terms of being a combat space (instead of making it super pretty but ultimately challenging to fight in), the addition of racing courses for players to practice on, and future features like more maps, race tracks, and backend system improvements.