We’ve been tracking the SNAFU that has been Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18 launch over the past few days, so naturally we’re going to continue checking in, starting with an apology from CIG found in the game’s weekly event schedule post.
“While we anticipated that there might be some initial hiccups with the launch, and tried to set expectations accordingly, it is still unacceptable to us that so many of you have been unable to enjoy 3.18 properly. Please note that we’re all hands on deck working to get remaining issues resolved, and getting things running smoothly as quickly as possible. While we’ve already seen improvements in many areas, there’s still more work to do, and the right people are on it.”
On the subject of the game’s current state, that has been upgraded from a major outage yesterday to a partial outage today, as the devs take time to validate the outcome of infrastructure maintenance. The weekly post also links to the issue reporting page and a known issues list for those who wish to keep apprised of the situation.