Regular players of Destiny 2 are likely already familiar with some of the new content and chases applied to the game recently, but for those who get their information from Bungie’s weekly newsletter, there’s some details on what has been added this week, as well as information about some changes and content coming back next week.
The latest big to-do for the shooter is the addition of the Vexcalibur exotic weapon quest, which begins in the Gulch area of the EDZ and involves several white cubes hanging around. This week also saw the return of the Trials of Osiris PvP mode with new rewards, a minor change to its engrams, and the introduction of matchmaking.
Speaking of PvP modes, the Iron Banner is set to return next week, which will once again feature the Rift, Eruption, and Fortress modes for this current run before Bungie introduces new modes. Incidentally, details about those new modes will be shared in a later post.
Finally, those who are trying to climb the Guardian ranks will be happy to note that the XP requirements for reaching certain levels has been tweaked to be easier, with lowered XP requirements to hit ranks nine through 11. The newsletter also talks up the winners of the world first raid race, outlines some known issues, and shares the usual fanart.