Today has seen the final content update arrive to Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which is being called a “bonus update” owing to the fact that the expansion’s story was originally intended to end with Title Update 5. Regardless, the new update is here for players on Nintendo Switch and Steam, and as that header indicates, players will have to fight a new Malzeno variant.
Pictured above (and shown in the video below) is the Primordial Malzeno, a much more vicious form of the expansion’s major dragon fight that promises to bring ferocious new attacks and abilities. Naturally, successful hunters will be able to craft themselves new weapons and gear from this Malzeno’s parts.
Speaking of crafting, the update has introduced several new qurious armor crafting features like new skills, the ability to add more skill slots, and a new skill added to the qurious melding pool. There’s also a raise to the maximum number of anomaly quests players can own, new items in the anomaly research lab, a variety of new event quests, and more monster appearances in gathering hub and anomaly investigation quests. All of the details are available in the patch notes.
As mentioned before, this will be Sunbreak’s final content update, as Capcom looks ahead to the series’ future and its 20th anniversary next year. This incidentally means that there will be no more DLC releases, though existing DLC has now been bundled into three themed packages for players to purchase if they choose. As for players on PlayStation and Xbox, this bonus update will land on those platforms on August 24th.