As BlizzCon inches ever closer, players of World of Warcraft continue to ponder where the MMORPG’s next expansion is headed. Some of that pondering may have gotten a bit easier thanks to some new achievement datamining. Kinda by definition, there are going to be spoilers in this post!
The data dig reveals a Heroic Edition: Algarian Stormrider promotion achievement that appears to suggest at not only the location of Khaz Algar but also a mount that’s part of the expansion’s heroic bundle offerings. The same leak also has several toy box achievements that appear linked to a Warcraft Rumble cross-promotion.
This unearthed achievement name has ticked off plenty of speculation, including a more Dwarven focus in terms of theme and the potential for storm elementals to feature heavily in the expansion, such as mounts not too dissimilar to the dragons of Dragonflight.
Click to reveal spoiler picOn the subject of BlizzCon, Blizzard has announced one of the many attractions that will be at the event: a three-part Guild Clash PvP tournament that will feature a single-elimination arena, a mythic dungeon race bracket, and an event that’s yet to be announced at the time of this writing.