DC Universe Online’s narrative-focused Day of Reckoning update is live

DC Universe Online has talked up the more narrative and dark bent of this update, and now it’s time for players to experience it all for themselves, as last night Daybreak launched the Day of Reckoning update, the first chapter of the MMORPG’s first story arc known as Light and Rain.

“Uncover the truth that sleeps within Kaznia City, where a string of mysterious murders sends shockwaves through the streets. Teaming up with occult detective John Constantine of Justice League Dark, you’re caught in a web of supernatural secrets and discoveries that will challenge everything you know.”

Kaznia City represents the update’s new open world map, where players will have to follow clues to solve the series of murders gripping the city in fear. The update’s story also folds in the new Kaznian Necropolis Assault alert, Kaznian Necropolis Onslaught raid, and Desecrated Mausoleum solo instance. All of these instances are available in causal mode for characters at level 20 and higher, provided they’ve completed a specific mission beforehand.

The patch also begins a new featured event that awards points for completing missions for currencies and unique cosmetics, brings new gear and feats, and also updates the renown system that makes earning renown less restrictive. Check out the patch notes and the new trailer below.

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