The spookiest of all possible holidays is almost here, and Age of Conan is getting in on the action with an all-new Halloween event. It’s not all fun and games, either; the city of Tarantia is besieged by a plague turning its residents into shambling monstrosities, and players will have to explore beneath the city to root out the cause. The rewards? Experience-boosting candy and new social outfits. So it’s somewhat fun and games, then.
Not a fan? Well, the old Halloween events are also available, or you could go with the brand-new raid, the Palace of Cetriss. Members can take on the raid for free; it requires 24 people to challenge and awards victorious players Tier 6 armor and weapons. So whether you want to enjoy some low-key holiday fun or take on a brand-new raid, the game’s got new stuff for you to enjoy.