It appears that the shared inventory slot granted with Heart of Thorns will indeed stack with the shared slot granted by Path of Fire, which is a nice little bonus ANet didn’t hype, given how much those account-wide slots are worth. The character boost tokens also appear to stack with each other.
Click to reveal potential spoilers about gearClick to reveal spoilers about the maps
There’s an eloquent piece on Reddit right now lambasting the game’s lockbox RNG and asking players to stand up on the issue as they have in the past, pointing out that as the monetization team has separated armor from outfits in the cash shop offerings, in-game armor has become scarcer, meaning it’s something everyone should care about.
“When ArenaNet kept bundling gliders and outfits with consumables players didn’t want for a 2k gem package, we spoke up and changed that practice. When ArenaNet sold HoT for the price of the core game despite having far less content than the core game, less skins and no character slot – we received a character slot and likely influenced the price of the subsequent expansion. It’s not enough to blame vulnerable members of the community with a gambling problem or an addiction to the game promoting unhealthy financial choices in regards to the gamble boxes – there will always be whales to buy whatever ArenaNet sells, and many of them are not wealthy but rather vulnerable people. Maybe you’re not convinced that whales of any kind deserve better treatment from the company they financially support, but can you at least agree it would be better if any future mount skins are available through a guarantee means of acquisition rather than a gamble box exclusive?”
It’s also worth echoing the reminder that Guild Wars 2’s anniversary is coming up last this month, and it’ll probably include cash-shop sales as it has in the past, so maybe don’t go blowing your expansion gem allotment just yet.
Here’s a gorgeous player-made cinematic showing off some of the prettiest places in Tyria.
And finally, if you somehow missed it, YouTuber WoodenPotatoes is running a positively massive contest, with legendary weapons as the prize. (Cheers, Kalamari!)
Let's grow the Guild Wars 2 scene. Seriously. https://t.co/sJanrwW9dP
— Wooden Potatoes (@WoodenPotatoes) August 3, 2017
Don’t miss our recap of NCsoft’s financial report from this morning (it isn’t the best news for Guild Wars 2), and stay tuned for our regular Flameseeker Chronicles column tomorrow!