I swear to you, the other night I had a dream in which I was sorting out which MMOs I was going to return to in the near future. There was Elder Scrolls Online, which I know has a lot of storytelling potential and housing to boot. And my mind led me over to SWTOR, which has provided me with plenty of great times in the past. Then I woke up and thought, yup, that’s how it shall be.
Not all of my gaming decisions are made by dreamland oracle. Sometimes I just know that it’s time to come back to an MMO because there’s some great content coming out for it or I have this inexplicable yearning to be in that land once again. Having friends who are all enthusiastic about it and trying to drag me back doesn’t hurt, either. I blame Larry for getting me all riled up about Neverwinter as of late.
When do you know it’s time to return to an MMO? Are you feeling that lately?