“Plunderers and freebooters may now join the Pirate faction in limited numbers in a new quest line. Gone are the days of committing crimes to become a Pirate. The crime and infamy system have been separated from the Pirates. After seven days, inactive Pirates will be sent back to their mother faction. The latest revamp of the Hero system in ArcheAge is giving Heroes new abilities and quests, specific to their role in the game. The update bestows upon them the great power to enforce peace or even war in the different zones. The special Hero cloaks have been improved, making the Heroes even tougher. As true leaders, Heroes can summon their followers in raids and lead them into epic battles. In addition to new items, content and bug fixes make it so players can now explore a new streamlined version of the Abyssal Library as a 5-man dungeon. This new instanced dungeon is available on Legacy servers as well as on Fresh Start. Dungeon bosses now drop the new Abyssal Library Equipment as rewards.”
What wasn’t in the patch notes? Another round of mount normalization. As angry forumgoers explain across multiple threads and tweets, this means that many mounts have been rescaled to the base speed for mounts in the game – including some of the pricey cash shop lockbox mounts, like Lunaris, which according to affected players were being sold for weeks with an advertised higher-than-average speed and then nerfed without warning or answer from Gamigo.
Apparently, this isn’t the first time for this exact scenario, as the folks uttering “Stormwraith” are reminding us, but back in 2017 when it happened, then-publisher Trion refunded players for the miscommunicated purchase and thereby dodged many of the “bait-and-switch” claims and chargebacks Gamigo is currently facing. Probably the most bizarre Gamigo defense in the forums right now is the argument that people should have known this mount would be a “scam” because of ArcheAge’s “scam” history, which seems like maybe the wrong takeaway here.