It’s still not really ready for primetime after some much-deserved delays, but Star Citizen’s 3.5 alpha features a big chunk of content aimed squarely at those of you who want to be criminals – and hunt them too.
The relevant chunk in the patch notes dubs the system “environmental AI bounty hunting” – “AI bounty hunters will now attack players with bounties placed on their heads, and AI security forces will attack players with high crime stats.”
As MOP reader and streamer deekayzero notes in his mega-video showcasing the system, the AI doesn’t quite work properly on the servers just yet, “but you can definitely see some cool things happening here for when they do get the AI the processing power it needs” – including the contract system and combat with security forces (around the 30-minute mark). I can’t help but be reminded of Star Wars Galaxies! We’ve got his stream below – take a peek!