Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a multi-trillion credit starship that’s in absolute mint condition! As you drive it off the lot, please remember that you need to take the best possible care of it by changing the oil every 3,000 space miles and… wait, why are you going there? Toward that giant, razor-sharp pointy thing? You know it’s going to scratch up your paint job, don’t you? Your warranty does not cover that.
Well, Captain Chris in Star Trek Online is such a hotshot seat jockey that he does not care. “Here is a picture I took with my newly opened Discovery Constitution Class defeating the Crystalline Entity!”
Your dealer is not going to cover that damage. Just saying.
One burning question that I’ve had for the upcoming Star Citizen is… will there be coffee? I mean, I’m not playing it if we lack strong caffeination in the dark void of the night.
Fortunately, Dirty Klingon has photographic proof that in Squadron 42, at least, we’ll be able to get a cup of joe before our fleshy bodies are evacuated to the cold vacuum of space. It’ll keep you alive and warm for that extra 10 seconds!
Our own Tyler is having fun with filters, it seems: “Wanting to learn about the game after our stream, I made a villain alt in City of Heroes. Since elf ears were an option, of course I made an Elf character. Imprisoned for centuries, she has re-emerged to wreak vengeance on the humans who stole her people’s world. I am impressed by how well CoH holds up as a new player joining in 2019. I’m still not sure it’s 100% the game for me, but I definitely see the appeal.
What does Bree do when she’s not trying to wrangle the MOP staff like the cranky toddlers that we are? She’s zooming around in Star Wars Galaxies making serious bank with her greatest weapon: a spreadsheet.
“Here’s my SWG Legends Chef vrooming her way across Tatooine,” she said. “You hear the music in your head, don’t you? You know you do.”
And I’ll share one of my recent adventures in Lord of the Rings Online’s Mirkwood, where I got to tangle with a spider big enough to give those kids from Stranger Things nightmares for life. I’ll be honest, I kind of feel bad for the spider. He had big spider dreams, dreams of spinning a web so big that he’d catch one of those juicy giant eagles, and now those dreams come crashing down because he’s been kneecapped by a Hobbit.
Feel free to post whatever screenshots you’d like from your recent adventures in the comments below, but if you’d like an additional challenge, comb through your folders and see if you can’t find an example of Big vs. Small (or small vs. big) to share with us!