I am always aware of how dark it gets in the late weeks of December, when the nights are so very long and the days a fleeting visit. Anything that can hold back the dark, whether it be cheery Christmas lights or good companionship, is welcome in these times.
Hikari is already ahead on both fronts — and out in space, no less. “Star Citizen’s 3.8 patch went live last night, so we went in and redid our Yule shots at Microtech, but this time with my new Pisces in some of the shots.”
Another approach is to scare the gloom away with clashing fashion. For this, I summon the spirit of Minimalistway, who is jolly in a way that terrifies me: “The season in World of Warcraft means gaudy sweater and ugly transmog. Add to that Winter Veil Hearthstone and you get this.”
I love the look of a winter tableau with a splash of color set against the stark whites and muted greens of the background in Utakata’s Blade and Soul pic here. Christmas doesn’t just have to be for a day; it can last as long as you have the outfits for it.
“War… war never changes,” Rafael made up on the spot. “And such is the way outside of Fort Tarsis in Anthem. Err… until the Yuletide event. Now there is a massive scavenger hunt for holiday wreaths among other things. So now I’m wishing baddies a very merry Christmas before I blow their freaking heads off. Happy holidays!”
As we wrap up this post-Christmas screenshot week here at One Shots, we’ll let Toy Clown take us home with a winter’s journey across crisp snow while wearing warmth.
“Weird mounts in inappropriate places” is this week’s screenshot challenge, so take that and do with it what you will. I’m sure you’ll all make me proud!