There was a playtest for PlanetSide 2 changes this past weekend, which ran a special Outfit Wars schedule on the test server to try out new changes to Desolation. If you missed that, well… it’s over now. But you won’t have to wait too much longer to see how it works, as the changes to Outfit Wars are planned to hit the live servers this week and already have patch notes available for perusal. And they’re pretty substantial changes, to boot!
Build costs have been rebalanced across the board, with several buildings now having lowered costs and several others having a new added cost. There have been major terrain revisions that add new points of cover, a new building has been added around capture points, and the combat flow near each capture point has been majorly altered. You can check out the full set of patch notes right here if you want an idea of what changes are on their way to a live Outfit War near you.