Now that the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pre-patch is live, you might want to start your leveling experience in Warlords of Draenor but not want to do the horribly tedious start experience again. It’s way too long. Fortunately, you have a new way to skip that! That’s one of the undocumented changes with the latest patch; far more documented is the first batch of hotfixes correcting Mechagnomes still requiring reputation to unlock and addressing various other bugs.
The development team is also offering insights into the game’s added character customization options including some behind-the-scenes footage of the customization process being implemented. Director Ion Hazzikostas, meanwhile, has cautioned players to not take the beta calendar for the expansion as indicative of the upcoming expansion launch. Shadowlands still does not have a new launch date following its delay.
Is all of this a little too death-related for your tastes? Maybe you want to get away from it with a slice of WoW Classic? Considering the fact that the game is currently testing the Scourge invasion to coincide with Naxxramas… maybe that won’t work out so well after all.