When your game is free-to-play, there’s bound to be a lot of folks who set up throwaway accounts so they can cheat ad infinitum. In order to curb some of this behavior in Destiny 2 on PC, free players will soon have to use SMS verification in order to access certain in-game activities.
The new cheating countermeasure was announced as part of Bungie’s weekly update, explaining how the process works. Players will have to link a valid cell phone number to their Bungie.net account, and then will need to enter in a code sent to their phone in order to access “high stakes PvP modes” such as Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner. A timeline for this security feature isn’t available yet, but players are encouraged to follow the Bungie Help Twitter account for more.
The weekly address has also detailed the start of the second annual Game2Give charity event in support of the Bungie Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Bungie will be hosting a 24-hour charity livestream on December 1st, and players are encouraged to sign up and host their own charity livestream; Bungie will even be giving out prizes for those who hit certain funding milestones during their streams.
The post then moves on to discuss a number of adjustments coming to Stasis, most of which involves a pretty mighty nerfing — expect lowered breakout damage, less projectile speed and range for the Warlock’s Penumbral Blast skill, and a whole lot less freeze duration for several skills when used against Guardians.
Finally, the world-first raid clear for the Deep Stone Crypt has been confirmed, with a fireteam from clan Luminous being declared the official winners. The first reports came in on the 21st, but the devs needed about a day in order to affirm the winners. And while the world first goal has been met, players are still encouraged to try to clear the raid before December 1st to unlock the ability to buy a Bungie Rewards Deep Stone Crypt Raid Jacket. Woo, jacket.