“Players who enjoy fighting from the distance, but are tired of stringing their bows, now have a chance to transform themselves into a ruthless, rifle-wielding adventurer. The new Gunslinger skillset combines potent ranged attacks with a variety of critical debuffs, guaranteed to give you an edge in combat. Combined with any of the existing skillsets, the Gunslinger skillset introduces a total of 66 new classes to explore. In the western parts of Auroria, an ancient enemy emerges in the Ipnya Ridge. Players can explore this new zone and join forces with players from all factions to face their foes in the Akasch Invasion. Players can also explore a new chronicle quest: The Nuon Dragon War, and unveil the truth behind the sudden changes in the Karkasse Ridgelands.”
MMORPG readers will recall that last year, Gamigo reneged on ArcheAge Unchained’s original content promises with the paid Garden of the Gods expansion, when the studio admitted that the game had never “fully recover[ed]” from its B2P launch woes and needed to “pivot to a retail expansion approach” for sustainability. In this case, though, the update itself is free for all players of both halves the game; just the Gunslinger is paid content for folks on the ArcheAge Unchained version. The cheapest way to get it is the $15.99 pack, which includes the Gunslinger and fresh start server access, but there are two additional bundles (at $29.99 and $59.99) with cosmetics on top.
Gamigo did splash out for a trailer; we’ve tucked it down below.