When will followers of Ashes of Creation be able to buy their way in to the upcoming alpha one test? Specifically on Wednesday, May 5th, according to the April developer livestream, but it’s going to cost you $500. The bundle in question will not only include alpha one access, but also access to future alpha and beta stages, a year of subscription time, a variety of cosmetics, cash shop currency, and a name reservation slot.
“Do not purchase this package if you’re looking to play a game,” warned Steven Sharif in the stream. “You are purchasing alpha one to test it and to give us feedback, and that’s a responsibility we expect you to hold dear.” Community marketing lead Margaret Krohn further chimed in, saying, “Really, it’s for the people who want to back our development path.” These are messages that appear to be taken to heart by AOC’s existing community, as it appears that most people are eager to buy in to the point they’re talking down complaints.
The stream then went on to showcase a raid boss preview against an Elder Dragon of the Wood that primarily attacked by laying out poison puddles, issuing massive AoEs that players have to leap over, as well as an accidental encounter with a massive fire dragon. Raid bosses will exist in the siege level of AOC’s alpha one, where players will want to take down these bosses for beneficial team buffs. Opposing teams will be alerted when a boss is being engaged, however, and the devs did state that the side that lands the killing blow will be awarded the buff, so players will want to be wary of enemy teams sneaking in the last shot.
You can check out both the raid boss gameplay footage and the full livestream below.