When is patch 9.1 arriving for World of Warcraft? According to a new interview with lead system designer Morgan Day, the answer is still “soon.” The recap of the interview covers a lot more ground than that, though, starting with the fact that there are no plans to allow leveling or add more non-cosmetic rewards to Torghast at this time, but the former is definitely a possibility for one of the expansion’s intermediary patches.
Day also clarifies that Blizzard’s major goal when it comes to class utility balancing is to not have everything be homogenized but have every class and spec bring its own thing. (The comments section had a field day with that one.) He also clarifies that there will be no additional weapon drops added to the Sanctum of Domination and that weapon tokens will not be added. You can check out the full recap for more details.
Meanwhile, players in WoW Classic will have to deal with a slightly early snapshot of honor calculation ahead of the pre-patch for The Burning Crusade, which means this particular week will end a day earlier on all realms.