Meanwhile, it appears that no good deed goes unpunished: According to a heavily upvoted thread on Reddit and a new thread on the ESO forums, several members of an ESO raid group were allegedly banned from the game this past weekend after discovering an exploit in a certain fight. While there’s no supporting evidence on offer in the thread, a guildie of affected players claims that the group played through an entire battle with the intention of recording the bug to showcase to ZeniMax, but its submitted support ticket was reportedly met with an immediate shutdown and subsequent permabans, and that’s turned into cries for “#FreePTE” on social media.
We’re presuming that ZOS is investigating the claims already and will issue a statement when that investigation is complete. While it’s likely that complete details of account actioning will never be made public, it’s also important for the studio to make clear for the community how it handles exploit reporting. We’ve reached out to the studio’s PR for clarification in the meantime and will update when we know more.
Hey everyone, just wanted to pop in here to let everyone know this situation is being fully investigated through the use of in-game logs, voice data, and other relevant information. While we can’t discuss the outcomes of any disciplinary action against accounts, just know that we are taking this seriously and will decide on any further or necessary action once our investigation is complete.
In general, if you come across a major bug in ESO, the best course of action is to not take advantage of it (doing so is considered exploiting). Please stop whatever you’re doing and report it to us via /bug in-game, or messaging a ZOS team member on our forums or even here on reddit. Posting information publicly or streaming the exploit are not proper avenues to report the issue.
We also want to clarify that simply reporting a bug or bot is not grounds for a suspension or ban against your account, though there may be situations where we need to temporarily freeze your account while an investigation takes place. If you feel your account has been wrongfully actioned, please be sure to submit an appeal at help.elderscrollsonline.com so we can properly assist. Thanks for your help, everyone!