Another Friday means that it’s time for another installment of the Final Fantasy XIV anniversary fiction, and this one is taking aim at a largely unnoticed character. Kan-E-Senna is definitely an important figure, but very little storytelling focuses around her or her particular struggles. So it’s a refreshing change to get a portrait of who she is and what her mental struggles were before the Calamity in the most recent anniversary story. It’s a peek into an otherwise fairly quiet individual.
And as long as we’re talking about peeks, we’d be remiss not to mention that fans are getting a big one with tonight’s Letter from the Producer which will go into detail about battle changes and job adjustments with the game’s next expansion, Endwalker. The letter starts at 10:00 p.m. EDT and will include live translation from Japanese to English, so you know it’s going to be a big one even beyond what the content of the letter would imply.