It’s not going to be possible for you to play Final Fantasy XIV today; the game is down for maintenance until tomorrow when patch 6.1 goes live. However, you can take a look at the full patch notes for the patch today, which are notably changed from the preliminary notes on Friday because they now include the mechanical changes for the various jobs as well as the extensive list of changes made to every single job for the game’s new PvP format.
The PvP changes are so extensive that there’s no attempt made to list all of them within the patch notes; they’re all included in the game’s job guide on the official site. It’s pretty elaborate, since PvP actions are (as always) functionally an entirely new and simplified job based on the version you play in PvE content. In PvE, meanwhile, jobs have had a variety of animation locks shortened or changed, a large number of changes made to mechanics for tanks, potencies adjusted, and so forth; you’ll need to look through the full notes to get the shape of it.Source: Official Site