If part of what you like about WoW Classic instead of World of Warcraft‘s retail side is that the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King Classic isn’t going to feature item level seasons or M+ shenanigans, we have some bad news for you. In a recent interview with Twitch streamers MrGM and Scottejaye, principal game designer Kris Zierhut revealed the latest in the line of #AnIncreasingNumberOfChanges by explaining that loot for all Phase 1 raids and dungeons will be shuffled around, with new “Heroic Plus” dungeons that drop loot equivalent to 10-player raids from Phase 1 once Phase 2 rolls around.
Loot from the 25-player version of the raid will be added to the 10-player raid as well, thus resulting in a wholesale rearrangement of how the loot drops are structured. There’s not yet any detail about what Heroic Plus dungeons will include beyond “increased difficulty,” although it seems unlikely at this time it will go quite as far as scaling affixes and escalating key levels. Still, at this point you can’t really discount any possibility, as the whole #NoChanges thing quietly has another layer of dirt dropped on top of it.