Armor is important when you’re going into a battlefield, so those who enjoy playing the Battlegrounds mode of Hearthstone will likely want to pay attention to the CCG’s latest hotfix, which made adjustments to the armor values of several of the mode’s heroes.
In all, seven heroes have moved down a tier in armor while 10 other heroes have seen their armor tiers move up; the specifics get pretty granular here so we’ll not touch on every single named hero card, but those who play characters like Sylvanas, Patches the Pirate, and Greybough will want to make note of these tier shifts.
Other portions of the hotfix bring back Return to Naxxramas cards that were missing from the draft pool, tweak the appearance rates of certain high performing cards, and apply fixes to card behaviors, treasures, and certain text and visuals. It’s not a feature-rich update, but still a likely important one, particularly for Battlegrounds players.