Lost Ark may be Amazon’s new baby, but that doesn’t mean New World is being entirely neglected, even with an ever-ensmallening playerbase. This week, New World added a new item in the cash shop, the Corrupted Love pack, which includes a few Valentine’s-themed weapon skins and furniture. Six hours later, the company had already disabled the skins to “investigate a bug where the skins were causing a server crash.”
It’s unfortunately emblematic of the reputation New World has built for itself since launch, as benign additions and patches repeatedly cause serious issues and outages. To wit:
• Massively Overthinking: How would you fix New World?
• New World’s January patch was accompanied by fresh bugs and worries over population
• New World re-enables buying houses lost in rollbacks, tweaks winter event on PTR
• New World bans botters, begins testing winter event, plans unpopular endgame gear system
• New World’s latest problem appears to be… scores of fishing bots
• New World’s Thanksgiving weekend rollback cost some players days of trading
• New World rolls back European servers to correct over-generous tax refunds
• Today’s New World patch tackles the server time-jumping bug, lowers housing taxes
• New World re-enables wealth transfers, again, as players report new dupes, again
• New World says it’s banned over 1660 exploiters and purged 98% of duped stuff from the economy
• New World addresses economic deflation, trade post linking, cross-region transfers in 4400-word post
• New World’s patch this week tackles gold spammers, exploits, and respec costs
• New World addresses exploits, communication lapses, and goals for its PvP systems
• New World’s gold dupe exploit stopgap fix revealed… another gold dupe
• New World disables ‘all forms of wealth transfer’ in the wake of a new gold dupe exploit
• New World is suffering from yet another exploit, this one revolving around malicious chat code
• New World gets into the Halloween spirit with a new video series as server transfer and the trading post bugs arise
• Everything people are grumpy about in New World, one month in
• New World reopens and then shuts down Outpost Rush due to a persistent softlock bug
• New World halts transfers, warns gold dupe exploiters as players call for a rollback
• New World players found a way to make themselves invincible in PvP by using windowed mode
We’re sure Amazon will get it fixed, but it’s just not clear why these snafus keep happening in the first place, and it’s not helping the depressed playerbase, which has fallen to peak concurrencies of 65K, compared to 900K at launch.