What will you when you embark on your pirate career in Sea of Thieves? I know that at least for me, the answer will be “nothing serious.” There are too many ways to goof off and embrace your inner buccaneer in this title, and so expect to find me with an accordion and a cranky parrot at your nearest port.
As for Cap’n Deekay_plus, he decided that doing a jig was the best use of his closed beta time: “I finally got a female avatar in the Sea of Thieves beta after spending all of alpha with a male avatar that too closely resembled my IRL visage. So to celebrate, I took a selfie while dancing!”
Last week we opened the door for player therapy by asking the MOP community to share NPCs that they absolutely loathed. Well, prepare for a heapload of angst!
“Can I nominate a member of my own crew?” Logan asked. “One of my two mains in SWTOR is the Bounty Hunter. I actually like most of the companions on my ship. Even Gault Rennow is entertaining in his own smarmy way. (I don’t TRUST him. But I like him.) But seriously, why is Skadge still stealing the air from my ship instead of causing indigestion for the bug colonies on Alderaan? He’s rude, crude, and lowers the property values of Dromand Kaas every time I land there. Extra muscle is useful, but I’d rather have a Wookie around than this… microencephalic stinking half-Hutt toe-rag.”
Mysecretid elected for a different sci-fi MMO character: “Probably Star Trek Online’s Section 31 Agent, Franklin Drake. It’s not only that he’s a self-serving, manipulative, evil bastard who’s convinced that he’s always right (and that he’s the only person in the room who truly cares about what happens to the Federation), it’s also that he loves to go on and on about it, making condescending speeches about how ‘naive’ your character is if you call him out on his bulls**t.”
“I don’t normally take pictures of NPCs I hate,” said Camelotcrusade. “Having said that: ‘This fight will not last long!’ Thanks for the reminder, Treek. Without you chirping that or something similar every five seconds our battles might have become insufferable. What’s that? ‘No victory for you — only pain!'”
Aww, I liked Treek. He was my go-to companion for a good long while. Ewoks who give lip amuse me.
Today on MOP Pay-Per-View: Squirrels vs. MMOs. Who will win? And will it be totally… nuts?
“Here is one of the Scatherran squirrels taking on a rift invasion,” posted Lucky Jinx. “Despite her bravery, the invasion won this time. The numbers weren’t really on the squirrel’s side.”
A moment of silence, if you please.
Do you have any “useless” toys or gadgets in MMOs that exist only to entertain you? Let us give them purpose this week by asking you to take a screenshot of your character messing around with any sort of weird or wacky item!