Is your Valentine’s day about love, friendship, or free candy from mom? In MMORPGs, it’s about questing, murder, and free loot! So, yeah, kinda the same. Enjoy Massively OP’s guide to this very pink not-a-holiday across the MMORPG genre – and some not-quite-MMOs too!
Allods Online – The Love Festival returns! Hunt down Lubava Charova in Novograd or Lyubov Serdechkina in Nezebgrad to begin.
Archeage – ArcheAge hopes you’ll “Find True Love” in the events kicking off today.
Atlas Reactor – Mad Love is back through February 20th.
Black Desert – “Flirtatious” decorations already festoon the gameworld, with the Sweet Valentine event kicking off today and sweet treats too.
Blade & Soul – NCsoft gets the award for “best/worst event name of the year” for Blade & Soulmate 2018. So bad it’s good. The events are live through March 16th, with raid quests and limited-time costume and weapon rewards, including a flamingo on a stick, and I am not even making that up.
Chronicles of Elyria – Soulbound has a V-day gifting solution for you if you’re sick of sending flowers! Spoilers: It includes whips.
Dark Age of Camelot – Love is in the air until February 19th in this classic MMO, which see sthe return of three themed questions: A Matter of the Heart, Keeping Company, and Valentine’s Traditions.
DC Universe Online – Even supers need love. “The Star Sapphires are again making an effort to rekindle the love lost in Gotham City.” Expect new feats and quests to boot.
Defiance – You gotta love Defiance’s pluck: Colony Courtship! “Hellbugs are on the loose, so grab a partner and enter the heat of battle” – live through February 26th.
Destiny 2 – Crimson Days are live as of February 13th.
EVE Online – The Guardians Gala went live yesterday with the full February release.
EverQuest II – EQII can’t pick a side. The Shard of Hate Public Quest launched on February 13th for those of you with evil in your hearts. The lovey-dovey Erollisi Day is here until the 20th!
Final Fantasy XI – Valentine’s day in maintenance mode pretty much looks like Valentine’s day in a live MMO, yeah? Valentione’s Day is live in this classic until February 21st.
Final Fantasy XIV – Valentione’s Day is live in Square’s younger MMORPG too. The event “offers enamoured Eorzeans the chance to help out Lisette de Valentione and her retinue in exchange for a series of in-game items including housing furnishings and mounts” – but only for a few days this week.
Fortnite – PvE players were supposed to find a new themed questline, along with plenty of themed hero cosmetics, including a new crossbow. Pew pew. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.
GTAO – Vrooooooom. Cars and love. It’s actually a little bit bizarre how into V-day this game gets. “The Vapid Hustler is a shining example of what’s possible when old-world glamour slinks up next to the modern muscle car and asks, ‘My garage or yours?’”
Guild Wars 2 – ArenaNet is collecting stories of friendship!
Lineage II – L2 is throwing a positively massive wedding contest. It’s too late right now to sign up, but the winners should be announced today!
Lineage II Revolution – Mobile MMOers will participate in the Valentine’s Day Happy Loyalty Event, Chocolate Collection Event, and Guard Captain’s Love Event. Mmm, chocolate.
Mu Legend – This version of Mu is straight-up handing out keys for your significant other.
Neverwinter – Like your V-day with clockwork bits? The Wonders of Gond event begins today.
Pokemon Go – Schools of Luvdisc will be out swimming and awarding three times the Stardust for each one ya catch.
Revelation Online – RO is celebrating the power of love, and now that song is in your head. You’re welcome.
Riders of Icarus – V-day loot is on order along with an Olympics-themed event!
RIFT – There’s a new lockbox and bonuses. Plus: Priorities?
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Here is an important PSA from your #RIFTwingman pic.twitter.com/O8WyFQPUOt
— RIFT Crucia's Claw (@Riftgame) February 13, 2018
Runes of Magic – Check yer mailboxes, folks! ROM has stuff cooking this week!
Skyforge – Skyforge has a rather nice loot boost running this week. It’s not really themey, but we’ll take it. The dryad stalker is back too! Not kidding!
SMITE – Valentiney goodies are on sale. We’re streaming the new adventure tonight!
Star Citizen – “If you are still looking for that perfect Valentine’s Day gift, why not take a look at our shop, as nothing says, I want to spend more time with you’ more than a Star Citizen Starter Package,” CIG says.
Star Wars The Old Republic – SWTOR is touting its “SWTORSHARETHELOVE” for former subbers and a referral code for your friends.
Happy #ValentinesDay! 💕
Tag a tank friend to show your appreciation for them.
⬇️💟 https://t.co/vQ3pwkPYWc pic.twitter.com/UXHnUW1WwB
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) February 14, 2018
TERA – Yeah this is more like what I expect out of an MMO: TERA’s Valentine’s Day BAMassacre. LOL. Runs through the 15th.
Trove – Trion’s voxelbox is getting in on the Hellbugs-in-Love action too.
Ultima Online – There’s a special holiday quest-giver in the Luna bank for just five days.
Vindictus – Even Vindictus has V-day sales this week!
Warframe – A huge merch sale this week is accompanied by Heart of the Orbis with Eros goodies and a fashion frame.
WildStar – Carbine brought back V-day-themed masks in the store.
World of Warcraft – Love is in the Air in WoW through February 16th. New bits this year include an heirloom scabbard and a chance at a rocket mount. Vroom.
Spot any we missed? Let everyone know down in the comments