The Star Citizen Reddit is abuzz today – and no, not just about EVE Online’s “Venture Capitalist” skin bundle joke, although they’re doing that too. Nope, they’re buzzing because Cloud Imperium has opened up the testing for the alpha 3.2 build on the PTU for a much broader group of players, including subbers and wave-one PTU backers.
The focus of this leg of the test is mining in particular – scanning, extracting, and prospecting need a work-through. The patch also buffs up the grouping system, turrets, shopping, G-force effects, and orbital quantum travel. And it actually adds some of those old pixel ships that somebody keeps buying, including the Anvil Hurricane and Aegis Eclipse. Pew pew.
As for the EVE joke spawned from the plagiarism argument last week, CCP continues to handle it in the classiest way imaginable.
“One thing I’ve learned when writing is that regardless of where you look, science fiction is a huge melting pot of a genre, where you see inspiration cross the boundaries of IP in every direction,” CCP Falcon wrote on Reddit. “All it does is enrich the genre and bring more life to the narratives we craft and consume. I’m super interested to see what’s next for both Star Citizen and EVE, and contrary to what some of the more vocal fans on both sides of the fence might think, over here in Reykjavík we’ve got nothing but love for our fellow sci-fi developers, and continue to wish Cloud Imperium Games and the Star Citizen community nothing but fair skies and smooth sailing.”