You’d think it would be mentally exhausting to be a Klingon, what with waking up every morning fully expecting to die and looking for every possible opportunity to throw yourself into the jaws of the Grim Reaper (or whatever the Klingon equivalent is). I’d say that Hikari settled on a good solution here in Star Trek Online, what with trying to take on a Bird of Pray with a ground party during the remastered tutorial.
I’m sure they won. Don’t fret. Probably. Maybe. There’s always a slim chance, right?
Our screenshot challenge last week was to go spelunking in caves and other subterranian spaces, and reader Daniel sent in this striking Guild Wars 2 picture in response.
“This was in Tangled Depths,” Daniel wrote. “The entire zone is underground, other than Frog Town (not pictured).”
Meanwhile, Captain Minimalistway is contemplating how long paper lasts in frigid water before losing its buoyancy. Six minutes? Depends if it has a waterproof coat of wax.
“Here I am sailing on the Arcane river in MapleStory with a paper boat,” Minimalistway said. “I think this place is beautiful.”
And here’s another lovely starry night shot, this time in Genshin Impact. Little Bugbear wanted to show off “cool guy Kaeya.” He’s got an eyepatch, so you know he’s a tortured — but relatable! — soul who is simply misunderstood and needs the comforting embrace of many lovers.
We’ll head back underground with Katriana here in Lord of the Rings Online: “This picture here is from a cave in (I think) Southern Mirkwood. There are these worm things that have made these shimmering curtains of goo that are very pretty, though very disgusting if you think about what they are.”
That’s it for this week’s selection, but the fun continues in the comments! Post whatever you want, or if you’re looking for direction with a screenshot challenge, submit a picture of life surviving even amid a winter scene.