Apparently, you should have an entire collection of Legendary items in World of Warcraft. That’s one of the takeaways from an excerpt from a recent interview with Ion Hazzikostas from LingHunFuSu in which he discusses the current approach to Legendaries and dealing with refunds or re-arranging secondary stats. Hazzikostas stresses that while players should probably have some means of changing secondary stats, he doesn’t want players to feel as if they can, for example, pick up a PvE Legendary and then immediately refund and reforge it for a PvP Legendary at will.
On the brighter side for players, Hazzikostas also promises that there will be more catch-up systems for both alts and returning players to ensure that you don’t have to wait several weeks to start in on rocking a Legendary item appropriate for your class and spec once patch 9.1 goes live. It’s not yet clear when that will be, but if you don’t currently have a backlogged collection of Legendaries to swap between, this will probably be good news.