The weekly Bungie newsletter is very often a stew of various things, but this week certainly seems more mixed than most as it outlines a variety of Destiny 2 tidbits from various points of interest for fans of the shooter.
As players know by now, the Season of the Splicer has kicked off, bringing an assortment of new guns for players to shoot. The new season has also brought back a number of Future War Cult weapons with new rolls and some class-specific swords for those who like to mix it up at melee range. As for what’s next, the Iron Banner is making its way back on Tuesday, May 18th, bringing even more toys in the form of two new weapons and the return of two Year One weapons. The PvP season will run until Tuesday, May 25th.
Remember those Fallen babies that the D2 community went absolutely mad for? Players will indeed get to hold the tiny monsters when they release in 10-inch plushie form. The plushies aren’t available yet, and what is pictured in the Bungie Store appears to be a mock-up of the product, but it also will have glow-in-the-dark eyes and is an absolutely squishy baby spud. Those interested in holding the baby can sign up to be notified of when the plushies go on pre-order.
Speaking of baby Fallen, those who have been playing the new season have perhaps noticed that the friendly Fallen faction in the current storyline has taken up residence in a former raid location, replete with visual storytelling, artifacts to find for more lore, and (of course) baby Fallen to coo over.