Indie developer Icy North Games is eager to show off its progress on Past Fate, the sandbox MMORPG that we first told you about in December 2019. The game’s most recent Kickstarter post is all about showcasing internal testing, with a focus on PvP combat between developers.
“If you have been active in our Discord you may have seen our short clips of the tests we did, and the team has also had some fun PvP:ing against each other and clearing out undead and other enemies in the world of Nendhir.
“Our #1 priority right now is to make sure everything is working inside the development build (mostly to make sure the build runs well and doesn’t have many bugs) and then we will publish it to our closed alpha players to try out before the open alpha can begin.”
The update post further promised that the latest alpha build features a “completely redone” landscape with new and updated quests, new enemies, and new secrets. Work is also being done on the map’s first open world dungeon and its first conquest PvP zone, both of which are due to arrive after the game’s next closed alpha update. Once that closed testing phase has completed, Past Fate will host another open alpha test. Timing and details on these tests have not been set in stone yet.
As a refresher, Past Fate is a sansbox that touts its freedom as a key element of the game. It first tried to raise $15K worth of funds via Kickstarter in February 2020 but failed to do so, prompting the devs to try again in March 2020. That crowdfunding drive worked, just barely hitting its new $25K goal. Since then, Icy North has been chipping away at development, offering promises, tests, and previews along the way. Speaking of previews, some of that internal PvP gameplay can be seen below.