While the recently released alpha 3.16 of Star Citizen has its fair share of things to do, fans of the game are calling attention to the fact that many more features were originally planned. A post on the game’s subreddit highlighting the disparity is currently making its way across the community, pointing out that of the 18 items that were originally slated to arrive in alpha 3.16, only three made the final build, with another two slated for alpha 3.16.1.
The variety of other features originally set for 3.16 have since been shuffled further down the roadmap: Features such as new DNA head textures, ship-to-ship refueling functions, and mining gadgets have been pushed to alpha 3.17, while the arrival of the Hull C ship and the multi-tool salvage attachment have been pushed to alpha 3.18. Furthermore, all of the features in both alpha builds are still set as “tentative.”
The argument can certainly be made that features being pushed down the pike is just the nature of the open development MMO beast, and CIG appeared to try to preempt these complaints when mentioning “point patch” releases in a previous episode of Inside Star Citizen, but the number of moved or removed features in 3.16 appears to be giving many fans pause.
Downvote away, but it is what it is… 3 out of 18 planned items actually made it into 3.16’s release from starcitizen