Sooooo either Blizzard’s web team had another oopsie or somebody really wanted to distract everyone from the fact that Activision-Blizzard workers staged a walkout today, the one-year anniversary of the California lawsuit. But either way, as Wowhead first noticed, the World of Warcraft website was updated tonight with a WoW Classic: Wrath of the Lich King banner saying that “The Lich King Returns September 26, 2022.”
Just a few minutes later, the website had been reverted and the announcement was removed, though not before folks got screenshots. The date is roughly in line with expectations as Blizzard has previously promised the classic expansion will release this summer, so there’s no reason to think it’s inaccurate, though it hasn’t been officially confirmed.
As MMO players will know, Blizzard’s website leaks have become rather infamous in the last few years. Last April, the name of the Dragonflight expansion was leaked thanks to web certification code on the official site; the entire reveal of Patch 9.1 and Burning Crusade Classic was uploaded to the public press website before BlizzConline; and the Shadowlands expansion was exposed by the company’s own merch store. In other words, our money’s on oopsie.
Wrath of The Lich King Classic releases September 26, 2022 from classicwow
Blizzard has updated the official website for Wrath of the Lich King Classic, revealing the launch date for the expansion September 26, 2022. #warcraft #classic #wrathofthelichkinghttps://t.co/Uceuq1Yhi5 pic.twitter.com/X4lx7rGzCE
— Wowhead💙 (@Wowhead) July 21, 2022