It makes me genuinely happy that this morning’s Daily Grind is contentious and has no right answer because we have so many MMOs that could easily wear the crown.
But in any case, we give out a PvP award as part of our formal awards rollout, largely because it tends to be PvE MMOs that win most of the others – but that doesn’t mean the winners always have the best PvE. So that’s what we’re doing this morning: assessing specifically the PvE offerings in the active MMOs this year. And let’s be real, some of my favorite MMOs really have not got good PvE, and they know it, and that’s OK; they do other things well.
If I had to pluck out a few possible nominees, I’d nod toward Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, and New World, but of course I’m secretly rooting for something more classic like Lord of the Rings Online. Which MMO offered the best PvE experience in 2023?