Since the last time we checked in on Ultima Online’s New Legacy beta testing, Broadsword has rolled out three more test weekends – and they haven’t been idle weekends, either. Test weekends 6, 7, and 8 are now behind us, having added new battle encounters, an expansion to dungeon outposts for guilds engaging in PvP, a rebalance of guild rank-up rewards and gold rewards, more skill progression adjustments for combat paths, custom house naming, bulk-order deed value tweaks, the treasure map system, and the new farming system. Yep, I said farming. UO has had gardening for longer than I care to remember, but farming is new.
“Calling all green thumbs!” Broadsword teased. “Those who have not yet had a chance to try their hand at growing their very own reagents and resources are encouraged to visit the Farmer’s Market in Skara Brae to learn more!”
We’re not entirely sure whether test weekend 8 was the last. The official site doesn’t expressly call it that, but New Legacy is supposed to launch this month, and we’re running out of September. Ultima Online actually celebrates its 27th birthday next week, so it’s possible Broadsword will launch it then, which’d mean one more weekend of testing starting Friday the 20th. Stay tuned!