Guild Wars 2 lost yet another dev, this time a key living world designer


If you’re starting to get more than a little worried about the line of developers departing ArenaNet, you’re not alone. As the Guild Wars 2 subreddit noticed, yet another developer for the game has announced his departure. This time, it’s Jason Reynolds, the lead living world designer who previously worked on raiding and fractal design.

“Five brilliant, exciting, memorable years have come to a close,” Reynolds wrote on Instagram last night. “I am sad to part, but am looking forward to the new chapter!”

As we’ve been covering, ArenaNet began 2019 with heavy layoffs and a reorganization by its parent company, NCsoft. But in spite of assurances that effort into the game itself has been buffed up, we’ve seen a steady trickle of multiple additional devs (including studio head Mike O’Brien) moving on from the company – and those are just the ones who post about it publicly. The dust-ups over content and monetization and expansion-like content haven’t helped matters either, and though recent living world entries have been well-received, their brevity coupled with the departures has at least the Reddit wing of the community concerned for the game’s future.

Source: Instagram via Reddit. With thanks to Godnaz.
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